Training Event Empowers Adult Educators in Green Activism

in Porto, Portugal

From November 28th to November 30th, 2023, the city of Porto became a hub for adult educators passionate about environmental activism. Hosted by RightChallenge and co-organized by all project partners, the Training of Trainers event in Porto saw enthusiastic participation from educators across Europe.

The event kicked off with a warm welcome, setting the stage for fruitful discussions and collaborative learning. The agenda was designed to enhance the capacity of adult educators from Spain, Cyprus, Italy, and Portugal in promoting green activism and sustainability. All 11 participants were eager to delve into the modules aimed at building their expertise and share their own experiences on the topic with others.

The mornings of the first two days were dedicated to exploring various facets of climate change, environmental literacy, sustainable living, and green investments. Afternoons were filled with discussions and feedback, along with two exciting visits to the Biodiversity Gallery and the Porto Botanical Garden, both part of the Museum of Natural History and Science of the University of Porto. Covering more than four hectares and laid out at the end of the 19th century, the Porto Botanical Garden takes part of the Museum’s “green lung”. The Biodiversity Gallery turned out to be a place, where art meets biology and natural history, stimulating a panoply of sensory experiences, purposefully and carefully designed to celebrate the diversity of life!

Funded by the European Union, once again, this event underscores the importance of empowering adult educators to become catalysts for environmental action across Europe. We hope all participants take their new knowledge and experiences back to their home countries and continue on the journey to make a meaningful impact, inspiring others to join the global movement towards a sustainable future

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